Commodities are a unique asset class that is often overlooked and does not play a big part of most investors portfolios. This is often due to lack of understanding of the commodity markets, the volatility of commodity markets or the complexity required to truly harvest the benefits of the commodity markets.
Let us try to dive into each of these elements – and tell you how Calculo can solve this!
Most investors rely on stocks as a large allocation in their investment portfolio. They “understand” stocks and they “understand” the product/service the company delivers. But how well do they really understand the companies they invest in? Truth be told – most don’t and they are often overexposed in single stocks due to emotional preference or lack of viewing the portfolio as a whole.
Commodities offer exposure to the direct pricing of goods and utilities. No exposure to management decisions or other company specific parameters.
The commodity market is traded on futures exchanges and offer equal access to both going long or short a broad array of commodities.
This contradict with many investors allocation style and are viewed as risky and complex. Commodites are indeed not something you put in the portfolio and forget about – commodities needs active management and a professional approach. Only then, the commodity market can truly shine in the portfolio and the investor can reap the benefits of adding a non correlated asset class to the portfolio, that can help lower the overall risk in the portfolio without affecting the expected return.
As commodities are natural ressources, with a link to both supply and demand of the specific commodity and are instrumental to our daily lifes – they are also subject to high volatility. This comes to light when viewing both the individual commodity market but also when looking at the S&P Commodity Index (which is broad basket of commodities – long only).
The key is to exploit the volatility, harvest the alpha of the markets and package it in a product, that carry all the fantastic benefits from commodities, but without the volatility.
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From the chart we can see than since launch in August 2018 to end of 2023, our 1 x share class matched the performance from the long only commodity index, but without the volatility.
At Calculo we have succeeded in doing just that. Since our launch in August 2018, we have delivered a product that..
Due to the nature of commodities, driven by supply and demand, there is no expectation that commodities will forever increase in price. Stocks on the other hand, does operate under that metric – a company produce goods, expand into new markets, increase revenue – ultimately the share price increase. Commodities increase on scarcity and fall on oversupply (simplified).
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